Deacons are selected according to the New Testament requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. They are men of proven commitment to the Lord and to the Church. The Deacons mission is to support the Church. They serve with the Pastor and the Ministerial Staff in leading the Church in the accomplishment of its mission, proclaiming the gospel, and caring for the Church’s members and others in the community.
Our Deacon Servant Leaders are:
Brad Adkins
James Barham
Doug Booth
Joe P Brown
Thomas L. (Tom) Byars
Frank Caldwell
Russell A Colvin
Kyle Cooper
Bill Doss
Mike Duncan
Charles E. Earnest
Larry Elliott
Bob Forbus
Danny Gambrell
Vance Garrett
Mark Goodwin
Dorman Grace
Terry Gurganus
Jerry Guthrie
Mark Keller
Ed Lay
Milton Lay
Boots Martin
Chuck Minor
Lincoln Moody
Don Morrow
Gary Pilling
Stan Randolph
Jerry Redmill
Greg Reed
Mike Robinson
Gary Rowland
Russ Runyan
Ed Sanders
Jake Sanders
Michael Schwab
Tommy Sherer
Terry Stripling
Alan Trotter
Kenneth Vanzant
Jim Wilson
Terry Wood