Where is the Church?

We are located at 1604 4th Ave, Jasper AL 35501 in downtown Jasper.

What Time Do the Services Start?

Sunday mornings begin at 9:00 AM with Bible Study with classes for all ages; Our morning Worship begins at 10:15 AM.

Where Do I Park?

Guest Parking is reserved in the front of the main building (near the steeple). In addition, we have ample handicap parking and parking lots conveniently located all around the main campus.

What Makes JFBC Unique?

We have a congregation of people from many walks of life and places. Our services combine both traditional and contemporary elements which create a fertile atmosphere for worship and praise. In addition, we have a strong Sunday School/Bible Study structure for a connection with a small group which gives a strong foundation to the First Baptist family.

What Will the Services Be Like?

The Sunday morning service (10:15 AM) is led by the full JFBC choir with our praise team, solos and orchestra added to enhance the worship experience. The music is a mix of worship songs you might hear on contemporary Christian radio and hymns your grandmother knew by heart.

Will I Be Recognized as a Guest?

Guests are never singled out. However, we do ask that you fill out a connection card provided to everyone in the Worship service. This allows us to follow up with you to see what you thought of your experience with us. The form may be placed in the offering plate at the appropriate time or given to an usher or staff member.

What Should I Wear?

The answer to that is whatever makes you comfortable! Sunday morning you will see men in everything from suits and ties to golf shirts and jeans. You will see women in everything from leggings or jeans to suits and dresses with heels. Wear what makes you happy… We want you to be comfortable worshiping Jesus!
Wednesday nights you will see most everyone dressed fairly casual.

How Long will the Service Last?

The Sunday morning service generally lasts around one hour and fifteen minutes.

Where Do My Children Go During the Service?

Upon arriving on campus, please go to the Welcome Center in the main lobby. You will be directed to the appropriate area for each child’s age.

When Do I Need to Arrive?

Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of the service or Bible Study.