Sunday School Classes for all ages meet on Sundays at 9:00 am
Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 am in the Sanctuary
Children’s Church, for Kindergarten thru 3rd graders, is dismissed from the Sanctuary during the Worship Service. Nursery is available for ages birth thru 4 years.
The Morning Worship Service features modern songs of praise and worship in addition to familiar traditional hymns. It is our prayer that joining together in worship will help all present to grow more in love with Jesus and His Church. We look forward to seeing you in worship next Sunday morning.
Livestreaming is always available for Sunday Morning Worship Service
Discipleship / Bible Studies (Seasonal)
Various Discipleship classes are offered for adults, children and youth. Nursery is available for ages birth thru 4 years.
MIDWEEK (during the School Year)
5:00 pm: Family Meal in the Fellowship Hall: Adults ($6) / Kids ($2)
5:30-6:00 pm: Kids Music (3yr-6th graders)
6:00-7:00 pm: Awana (kids Bible club) (3yr-6th graders)
6:00 pm: Midweek Bible Study/Prayer in the Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Suite
5:30 pm: JFBC Student Ministry Meal / Bible Study in the Student Center
(4:00 pm Student Center doors open)
5:00 pm: Family Meal in the Fellowship Hall: Adults ($6) / Kids ($2)
6:00 pm: Kids Activities
6:00 pm: Midweek Bible Study/Prayer in the Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Suite
JFBC Student Ministry weekly activities (see jfbcstudents Instagram for details)