Sunday School
We believe that Sunday School is the best place for our church to carry out the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is not separate from the church, but it is a vital part of our ministry here at JFBC. It is effective in Reaching People, Teaching People, Winning People and Caring for People in the name of Jesus.
Our Sunday School classes offer the opportunity for inclusion in a small and inviting Christian environment; providing a place to serve, be served and be counted. All classes function in an open discussion format. Individual participation is welcomed and encouraged – but is not required.
Kids Ministry at JFBC is designed to engage children with the truth of God's Word in a fun, loving, and safe environment! Your kids will love JFBC Kids!
Our Student Ministry is designed to connect students to God and one another.
Music & Worship Ministry
The Worship Team at First Baptist Caldwell strives to lead its people in authentic, sprit led worship.

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”
Psalm 95:1-2

When we come together, our focus should be to do one thing, and that is to worship our Lord, the Rock of our salvation, as one unified church.
Our Mother’s Day Out Program provides quality care and learning for your children during the day!
Through MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers), we share life with other moms. We have relevant speakers, creative activities, service projects, group discussion, and connection with Encourager moms who have been-there-done-that and lived to tell about it. Enjoy great food that you don’t have to make and dishes you don’t have to clean!
Operation Christmas Child
Through OCC, we provide Christmas for needy children throughout the world and share the Gospel at the same time! We collect shoeboxes each November and send them to countries around the world!

Foster Closet
Since 2018, the FBC Foster Closet has been providing essentials to families in our community who have chosen to care for children through foster-care or adoption.