Weekday Preschool
Welcome to Jasper’s First Baptist Weekday Preschool page. Our preschool program is designed to help our children develop, to the best of his or her ability, in all areas of life including spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially … all while sharing the love of Christ with them! Our goal is for each of the children in our program to develop a love for Jesus, a love for learning, and a love for others!
We have a very dedicated staff of teachers who are excited to work with your children. We take the opportunity to teach and love each of your children very seriously, and we are so thankful that you share your precious blessings with us.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.
Lizzy Schwab, Weekday Preschool Director
Preschool Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
We follow the Jasper City Schools calendar (with the exception of start date and end date).
During the summer we offer a Summer Program – more info on that will be released in the spring.
2023-2024 Registration Fees and Tuition
School Year (our program runs August-May)
Registration is NON-REFUNDABLE
Registration: once-a-year fee: $150
2-day (babies, toddlers and 2s ONLY): $200/month
3-day: $250/month
4-day: $320/month
5-day: $360/month
This price covers the 9am-2pm hours. See below if you need Early/Late Care.
SIBLING DISCOUNT: $25 off each additional child. Registration is still the full $150 per child
SUPPLY FEE: There will also be a $25/semester supply fee, per child (due in August & January)
THE FOLLOWING MONTHS ARE 20% OFF: November, December & March
Extended Hours:
Early Care – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Monday-Friday
Late Care – 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Extended Care Fees:
2-days: $150/month
3-days: $200/month
4-days: $240/month
5-days: $275/month**
This fee is for BOTH – if you only need early OR late care, then the price is half.
**If your child comes 5 days, and does early and late care all 5 days, we will cap the tuition at $600/month
**There has been some request for extending late care. At this time, we are going to leave it at 4, but that could change. if we end up doing that, the prices will have to be adjusted slightly to reflect that.
All fees must be paid by the 10th of the month. A $10 late fee will be charged after the 10th.
Each child is required to have an up-to-date immunization record (blue slip) from their doctor, in order to attend our program.